Is It Possible to Divorce by Agreement?

Divorce By AgreementEveryone having trouble with their marriage wonders if it is possible to divorce by agreement. Despite popular belief, it is possible to have an amicable divorce. If a couple agrees that divorce is the only option, they can file for dissolution of the marriage without having to endure a long trial or exorbitant expenses. An uncontested divorce moves along quicker than a contested divorce does and is recommended as the first course of action. Even if a couple does not agree on everything, they can use this type of divorce with help from a mediator or arbitrator. Only an expert divorce attorney can help you divorce by agreement by helping you and your spouse work out the divorce in an amicable manner.

We Help You Divorce By Agreement!

In the United States, an uncontested divorce is the most popular type of divorce. Though it is not the solution for all divorcing couples, it can moderate the level of disagreement between the individuals. Divorce that is uncontested avoids the lengthy litigation and trial that characterizes a contested divorce. It is most suitable for a couple who can agree on division of property and debt, child custody, child support, and spousal support without court involvement.

If a couple entering an agreed divorce has children, a family court will review and approve the child-related components including child custody, child support, and visitation rights. This court will ensure that the decisions are in the best interests of the children. Once these decisions are official, each party must adhere to them or face legal consequences. If you divorce by agreement and the other party does not follow through on what they promised in their Judgment, you do have recourse.

An Amicable Divorce Is Possible

The case remains a divorce by agreement unless one party objects to any aspects. However, representation by a divorce attorney is still recommended. This ensures that the rights of the client are exercised and that all concerns are sufficiently addressed. If an unexpected issue arises during the divorce proceedings, a lawyer can suggest ways to handle it. The agreed divorce help provided by an expert family law attorney extends to issues surrounding child custody, child support, and spousal support.

The average divorce costs approximately $20,000 but a couple can substantially reduce this figure by thousands and thousands of dollars by entering an agreed divorce. In fact, many divorce attorneys only charge a few hundred dollars in fees over court costs to handle your uncontested divorce! Seeing eye-to-eye on property and debt division and child custody and support can reduce frustration and save time and money. When they retain legal counsel, most couples are able to resolve these and other issues and divorce without a fight.

Some law firms charge flat fees to prepare and file uncontested divorce documents. If a couple agrees on all issues, does not have complex assets, and reaches a fair and reasonable settlement, this arrangement may be appropriate. A couple who does not have marital assets or children may be able to divorce for a very small amount of fees in many instances. Speaking with one of our uncontested divorce experts is the best way for to end your marriage in an amicable manner and move on to a happier chapter in your life!

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