California Divorce Help

California Divorce HelpDivorce is one of the most painful decisions a person can make and is not something that couples come to lightly. California divorce laws are complex, even if the married couple does not own property or have children together. In either instance, only the professional help of a qualified California divorce lawyer can help explain what your rights are during the divorce process. Understanding that you did not come to this decision lightly is why no other attorney in California will provide you with the respect, dignity and compassion you deserve like our team will. Speak with a California divorce professional today!

California Divorce Help is Here!

California divorce cases may involve many different issues. Because California has such confusing divorce rules statutes, it is easy to become a victim of the system without the proper help and advice that only an experienced divorce attorney can provide. California is what is known as a “no-fault” divorce state, meaning that proving grounds, such as adultery, abandonment, or others are not necessary for a divorce to be granted. This helps to streamline the process and avoid the gridlock that occurs if grounds were necessary to be proven with hard-evidence. California follows specific rules when it comes to dividing up property, deciding child custody, and working out child support. In California, the laws that govern child custody and child support are overly complex, and attempting to navigate them on your own can quickly become an unmanageable task. Having to fight for your children during a divorce is never something anyone anticipates, but it happens all too often, and being prepared for this means getting the right advice from an attorney that is right for you. California divorce laws are covered by

Child Custody Help in a California Divorce

Child custody and visitation issues make for difficult and often heated battles because of the way California divorce laws are written. California follows, for the most part, a “best interests of the children” standard. This involves numerous factors that include, but are not limited to, the health, safety, and welfare of the child, whether one parent has abused the other spouse or the children in the past, and how close of a relationship the child has with each parent. Our teams of expert California divorce lawyers are specially trained to fight for custody of your kids!

Alimony Advice in a California Divorce

In many divorces, there may be a significant imbalance of income between the parties, and it may be necessary to consider the possibility of spousal support (otherwise known as Maintenance or Alimony). Alimony is not something that is a guarantee, especially if the marriage is short and the ability of each spouse to earn a living and support themselves after the marriage ends is somewhat equal. Alimony is frequently a factor in California divorce cases where one spouse does not work (such as a stay at home parent), is not as educated as the other spouse, or does not have nearly the same earning capacity as the other spouse, coupled with the duration of the marriage. While the dynamics of your family are making these huge changes, having a confident adviser on your side is paramount to a successful result.

Property Division Help in a California Divorce

Dividing up property is one of the most fought over issues in a California divorce. California is what is called a “community property” state, and following these specific rules is how divorcing couples are to divide up their property. What this means is that, accounting for some exceptions to the rule, property and income acquired during the marriage is owned 50/50 by each spouse. Community property laws state that this same rule also applies to any debts that were accrued during the marriage. Because there are some exceptions to this rule, it is necessary to speak with a California divorce attorney who will fight for your rights and your share of the property.

Win Your California Divorce Case!

California divorces rarely go to trial, and with the help of a skilled attorney, the stress of testifying in front of a judge can be avoided, saving you undue stress, time and usually a lot of money. When the rare instance of a spouse refusing to work out a reasonable agreement happens, knowing you have a California divorce attorney on your side with trial experience should provide you with the relief that you need for any California family law issues you have. Go on, get started by filling out the form on this page, you’ve got nothing to lose. Don’t waste any more valuable time; get started by finding out what your California divorce rights are right now by speaking with a local attorney right away!

2 thoughts on “California Divorce Help”

  1. Good Afternoon,

    I was married on 10/21/1992 in Studio City, Ca at a wedding chapel called the Little Brown Church”.

    We signed a “License and certificate of confidential marriage”.

    Although, we separated months shortly after this. I have NOT seen this spouse in 30 years. I live in NY and he lives in CA.

    According to the LA County Clerks office, we are STILL legally married.

    We have NO children and NO assets together.

    How do I file for divorce?

    Please advise.

    Thank you.

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