How to Know How Much Child Support You Are Entitled To

Child Support Help and AdviceGoing through a divorce or separation can be an emotional process. But when a child is involved, dealing with issues such as custody and child support is painful and can cause disagreements between parents. Knowing and understanding child support rights is important, but some parents become confused about their entitlement if awarded custody.

Who Gets Child Support and Why?

Child support is an allowance paid to the custodial parent assist with raising a child. Once the divorce of a couple is final or paternity is established, a court order is issued for support in which the non-custodial parent provides funds toward financially supporting their offspring. The child support requirements for the non-custodial parent are determined by reviewing different factors within the situation.

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Each state has different laws and different ways of handling child support. Some impose strict procedures for courts on what custodial parents are to be awarded. Others give judges discretion to make decisions based on the situations of both parents. Although there are some differences, all states abide by common guidelines including providing adequate support for the child and the income of the custodial parent.

Although the earnings of the custodial parent are taken into account, so is the income of the non-custodial parent. Either way, child support payments should cover more than the basic needs of a child and a lawyer for child support can calculate how much support may be awarded. When considering the needs of a child, the court will take into consideration costs including education, day care, medical expenses and others.

Help From a Child Support Lawyer – Know Your Rights!

An attorney can be a valuable partner for parents, including explaining child support rights and fighting to make sure the support order is fair. Some states require non-custodial parents to help with college expenses even if the child is past the age of 18. A lawyer for child support can help clients in these states get the support their offspring deserve.

Even if an attorney was not utilized or the issue of child support was not pursued, a custodial parent can rectify this at any time. With the help of a lawyer specializing in child support, a parent can petition the court to raise support payments and even ask for back support to be paid. Understanding child support rights and using the help of a professional can ensure custodial parents are represented fairly and the needs of the child are met.

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